Since 1984, we have been working with local communities
supporting better livelihoods and preserving ecosystems.
We are passionate about life in all its forms, thus, we develop projects that promote love and respect for it.
Our foundation was founded due to Horizontes Nature Tour’s responsibility and commitment to Costa Rica. Our purpose is to promote funding for projects that can help improve the quality of life of our people and our environment.
Tourism is the engine of many rural towns in Costa Rica and companies have a direct impact on them. Hence the importance of developing and carrying out social and environmental programs.
Our commitment is to generate creative ideas that strengthen and leave a mark on people and communities. Help us give family businesses the tools they need to restart the tourism engine in their communities.
We promote respect for life in all its forms and especially its interaction with the planet. Therefore, we develop projects that help mitigate the negative consequences of Climate Change. Fundación Horizontes offers a way to offset the impact generated by the carbon footprint produced by your air and land travel and the emissions generated by lodging and tours. We can make this possible through the purchase of carbon credits from clean and renewable energy projects in Costa Rica.
At Horizontes we take measures to reduce the use of resources and reduce environmental impact
Considering that safety and well being are fundamental parts of company policy, Horizontes avoids generating situations of risk and any activity that would impact in an undesirable way the socio-economic or cultural components of the areas visited.
Responding to the proposal of a modern business structure, Horizontes has created a Human Resources department, integrating members of the company to be more hands on, while promoting innovation, flexibility and organizational agility. At the same time, the company aims to strengthen the feeling of social and environmental responsibility among all employees at all levels, promoting the awareness and preparation of human resources in technical and environmental themes.
In keeping with this new environmental procedure, Horizontes stimulates its suppliers to integrate a System of Environmental Management that allows the company to amplify its range of influence on other organizations, in order to become more consistent with its own commitment to sustainable travel.
Responding to overall quality criteria and new market trends, Horizontes is committed to excellence, minimizing any errors in customer service, considering the tourist and other sources to provide information that aids in the research, communication, construction and redesign of services.
Throughout the development of Horizontes’ activities, the company is committed to environmental criteria, structuring its activities with the principles of minimum impact, in compliance with what is advertised and promised, reflecting the added value of the performance of the company.
Horizontes is committed to complying with principles of honesty, social values, transparency, dedication and responsibility that prevail when providing its services. From the perspective of environmental consciousness and responsibility, Horizontes aims to diminish pressure on the environment, and is committed to intensify its efforts to conserve and contribute to better environmental and social conditions on local, regional and global levels.
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your dream destination Costa Rica